Play Video
Nero-Pro Formula
Instagram / YouTube
Project Type
social media – funnel
Houston, TX


Homesick needed as much user-generated content (UGC) style videos they could get. In an era where your customers can rave about your company’s products on social media in a matter of seconds, user-generated content is one integral part of effective digital marketing strategy. 

It’s also important to note that this type of content brings in new insights which can contribute significantly to its long term performance.

We cast, directed, and produced a series of UGC-style videos for this project. We also helped identify the success of the campaign based on real-time analytics. We edited each video every 2-weeks based on performance metrics. This allowed us to maximize the success of each video without having to needlessly produce more content.
Having videos are crucial to the success of any marketing campaign. Being able to edit, adjust, and pivot with understanding is priceless.

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